
One member, a registered nurse, received 8 mosquito bites the first night.

The recommended second patch was added and she received no more bites.

Each adult member put on two patches due to the extreme mosquito conditions and rotated one patch each 24-36 hrs.

Each participant responded well resulting in complete mosquito protection.

  • Location & Participants

    • Location: Tanzania, Africa
    • Participants: 14 adult volunteers
  • Study

    For two weeks, each volunteer put one patch on a different part of their skin for 24 hours.

  • Side Effects

    No participants acknowledge any side effects wearing the patches. A few participants revealed some extra alertness and energy.

  • Conclusion

    The field testing revealed that in extreme mosquito conditions an adult must wear two patches and rotating one every 24-48 hrs. The application of patches prior to exposure is 2 to 4 hrs. for best results.

What others say about us

“I have used them when fishing, camping, riding horses and other sports. DEET does not repel horse flies but Bug Patch does! Thank you for making something so safe that works so well.”

“I have always hated putting DEET and other chemicals on my kids because of the dangers associated with them but Bug Patch is totally safe.”

“I would strongly recommend The Bug Patch from a personal as well as professional evaluation by my Mission Team in Panama.  It provided outstanding protection.”

“The patch is easy to apply and lasts from 36-48 hours. I did not experience any irritation at the site of application or any side effects.”

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